Long Term Disability Client – Trading VP, Bulge Bracket Investment Bank – New Jersey

Once a high functioning sales and trading VP at a bulge bracket investment bank, I began to really struggle emotionally esp. after the ongoing stresses of some devastating family health issues became unbearable. I kept working until my memory and cognitive functions completely gave out, and I mercifully was asked to leave. Rudderless and with no idea what the next day might bring, a psychiatrist soon urged me to call a disability firm.

Thank heavens an online search led to Evan Schwartz and his team. They helped me understand and begin to acknowledge how far I had fallen, and later the disability claims began paying without contention. Since then, a carrier did challenge my status and withheld payment in part because investigators saw me helping move a washing machine around in my garage. Schwartz, Conroy & Hack dealt with this silliness well and got payments reinstated quickly. I still struggle and resist the notion of being disabled which I think is a good thing (see?), but I am forever grateful to have Schwartz, Conroy & Hack on my side giving me clear, fair, honest advice.

Thank You Evan Schwartz, thank you Scott Harrigan, thank you Ginny Wielgus, thank you to the whole Schwartz, Conroy & Hack team not so much for helping me but more for helping me provide and care for my family. I might not be here today without having met you all.